School Gallery

Kura Taiao

Once a week a group of students and some of our awesome kaiawhina head out into te taiao to explore and learn together.

Mānawatia a Matariki

Each year we come together as a school whānau to Mānawatia a Matariki. We have a school disco, a noho, we get up early to mihi ki te kahui o Matariki and enjoy being together as a whānau.

Kāpiti Island

This year our tuakana classes visited Kāpiti Island as an introduction to our kaupapa for the year Te Hekenga mai raro o Raukawa.




Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

New World Otaki Dowco Associates Travis Robertson - Property Brokers Otaki Tracey Savage - Kelly & Co Branchy's Landscape Supplies Paul Pearce Electrical Contract Air Services Ltd MeloYelo EBikes Capitol Property Management Fun Zone Travelust NZ Limited
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